What they say about us

"How can you get lost between San Gregorio Armeno and Vico Fico al Purgatorio in London? Go to the heart of Stoke Newington to taste one of the best pizzas in the capital at “Vicoli di Napoli”. Once known as “Antica pizzeria da Michele,” the name has since been changed because of a legal dispute. The quality of the pizza has not altered though, and neither has the line you must stand in to get a table. The dominant color is blue in an atmosphere full of Neapolitan references: from the stylised drawings of the city center and of the Vesuvius, down to the true ode to the city with “Neapolitan art of pizzaiolo” written on the wall. But what stands out most is the wonderful wood-fired oven, tiled in a blue mosaic as if it were the sky itself.
The interior is cosy and informal, the room has various tables for 2 / 4 people and the courtyard offers additional seating when the weather permits. The pizza is a high-quality ruota di carro (when the pizza exceeds the perimeter of the plate), which is a rarity in London"
Google Reviews
"The pizza here is just excellent. I've eaten pizza in Naples and my first pizza here was actually even better than that. Perfect for collection during lockdown too - the pizza took two minutes to cook from scratch so you won't be hanging around waiting"

Trip Advisor
"This pizza is awesome. It’s big, it’s doughy, it’s saucy, it’s cheesy, it’s everything Neapolitan pizza should be. I can understand why people find it a bit sloppy or weird or whatever if you don’t know what Neapolitan pizza is meant to be like - but this is it! I personally love it so am happy, I’ve also converted a very dubious topping-variety-loving brother. My bf says the sauce isn’t quite as tasty as the one in Naples but that might be just due to suppliers and I haven’t had it so I can’t complain.
It’s also very good value. Generally just what I had expected and the best authentic Neapolitan pizza I’ve had in London"
@jonfrogeres "Always delicious pizza"
@locationlondon "Absolute treat. Luch @vicolidinapoli - best pizza outside of Naples, right here in Stoke Newington"
@pizzamemoirs "Some memories can be very vivid, others not so much but when it comes to my visit to @vicolidinapoli they're all pretty solid and very straightforward. Delicious, delicious, delicious"