It all began on the 3rd of February 2017 .... Serena & Vania, two sisters born and raised in the historic centre of Naples, opened the doors of their pizzeria in the neighbourhood of Stoke Newington. The passion and nostalgia for the flavours and taste of their hometown drove them to find a way to bring the most famous, traditional and loved of Neapolitan delicacies to the English Capital.
Neapolitan chefs joined them, they all shared a dream and their mission was clear: to bring all the ingredients straight from Naples and recreate the recipes that they grew up with and share them with Londoners and beyond. Vicoli di Napoli means “Alleys of Naples” : where pizza was born.
The Menu recreates the map of Napoles historic centre where the first pizzerias opened. Each pizza is named after one of the “alleys” (Vicolo) to remind people of the atmosphere of this beautiful city.